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WHY the Search 4 Scratch Program Was CREATED

By April 7, 2017April 11th, 2017

The Search 4 Documentary, Program and Golf Schools were created by Golf University CEO Andrew McCombe because when he started playing golf a few years ago there was no holistic program that encompassed all elements of the golf improvement process.

With a Bachelor of Physical Education Degree and performance coaching background he decided to create such a program.

“All I ever witnessed when it came to golf learning was the 30-60 minute lessons that focus on the golf swing – to me this seemed a great opportunity to develop a program that encompassed all elements of the golfer (eg not just the technical) and that is relevant to actually playing golf on a golf course, as opposed to a rubber mat on a driving range”, McCombe says.

The Search 4 Scratch Program has been created as a Humanistic Program that looks at every golfer as as a unique individual as opposed to trying to mould themselves into someone or some swing that they are not.

“Humanistic means we take a holistic look at the golfer – eg they bring their life to golf – so if something is not right in their life outside of golf it will show up in their mind, emotions, body, in their golf swing, in their game and then their results on the course.

We help them get clear on who they are and what they want in life / golf and help them release any resistance they have to being that person / golf / life and by default their golf starts to improve with a lot less effort.

The humanistic approach is different to every golfer but the principles are the same – as we are all humans and we all have hopes, dreams and desires to be fully expressed versions of ourselves”, states McCombe.

To watch a brief overview of why Search 4 Scratch was created click the Play Button in the video below.